“Instagram is great for posting our pictures and videos, but can it actually bring us business?”
The answer to the question above: Yes.

Instagram is yet another singularly innovative route from you to your market and it can be used in a number of ways that will ultimately benefit your brand visibility and, with clever use of resources, can even drive sales.
That said, it’s worthwhile to consider not only your target market, but also your field when deciding if your business should have an Instagram.
From the perspective of legal or financial firms, Instagram would not be a necessity in the way that LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook might be. However, it could be used on a minimal basis to highlight community outreach, to showcase individuals, and to give their clients (and their clients’ families) a way to connect to the firm on a social level.
On the other hand, insurance or healthcare firms may find that Instagram is an ideal platform for much of the content they’d share on Facebook or elsewhere, all the while reaching a demographic that could be relevant to their target market now or in the future.
While these examples cover methods of what is essentially modern brand awareness, there is also great potential for driving sales, generating leads, promoting events, and other goals that can be more directly tied to the bottom line: bringing in more business.
This is where technique becomes as important as content selection.
By engaging the Instagram community with a robust hashtag approach and effective practices for reposting and crowd-sourcing content, you can easily drive an unlimited amount of traffic wherever you want to send them.
With our clients at Ocean Drive Social, we’ve seen consistent success with gathering leads, promoting initiatives, and driving sales. By staying on the forefront of best practices and trends on key social and advertising networks, we’re able to help businesses of all sizes to get maximum results with minimal resources.
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